Sunday, March 17, 2013

Google's voice recognition software- an audio blog

Hello everyone,
So I decided to write a blog entry using Google's voice recognition software which came pre loaded with my samsung Galaxy S3. I have experimented with this software and find that it is very accurate. What's the biggest disadvantage you ask? Well it is how do you train the software to understand your language. The default language settings is English (UK) . You can change it to the language of your preference. I changed it to English(US).  Apart from english languages spoken in different countries , Google also supports foreign languages for example Bulgarian German , French.
for example,  ou est Paris , Bonjour, ça va .
Although it is very very versatile it does come with certain pitfalls. One big problem is punctuation. Google Voice does not automatically put full stop or capitals at the start of a sentence.However I find that it is able to put commas ',' when spoken  with a style. Maybe it is the way the software is trained.
Another annoying feature is that after a while of continuous speaking the capability of a system gets either laggy, or doesn't understand you. For example "it refuses "after a while of speaking becomes "it was cc's" or "it was ceases ".Lol!!
While this is a beautiful system,  a few improvisation with respect to punctuation and auto correct would ensure  streamlined processing and also this beauty here could be or could replace the need of a sexy assistant.

Having said that I would like to state that today's entry was completely written  using this voice feature from Google .